Fresh Blog Design + New Graphic

6:06:00 PM
Before I begin I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas!

I must say that I have missed you all so much. I think about this blog frequently. I do owe you all an explanation as to why I post only a few times a year. I'm a full time college student and I have a part time job. My college's rigorous academics do not leave me with time to make art. I wish I could create with you all more often, but I barely have a chance to breathe. This blog layout has been on my mind since August, when I created the graphic in the banner. I JUST finished the graphic. It's sad that college prevents me from finishing my projects. But here it is.

I was inspired to do this piece after seeing the sketch made by the lovely Helen Green. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for her to release her finished drawing so that I could turn it into a Stardollized graphic. Most of the time us graphic artists work with reference images of real people. It is not only refreshing but challenging in a healthy way to work with an actual piece of art and turn it into another. Please enjoy.

                                                                                            Click to enlarge

I have been so excited to share this with you since August! I love it so much, but I think RoboGa is my favorite so far. The only thing that I need to keep working on is hair. When it comes to making improvements, sitting back and whining about how bad you are will not sharpen your skills. I'm always trying new techniques and brushes. I think I am getting closer. I am disappointed in how blogger lowered the quality of my banner. In addition, I threw together a quick logo to match my new theme:

Furthermore, I am so happy to announce that I recently purchased an iPad and what must be the most amazing art app- Procreate! I am looking forward to making new pieces with it and sharing them with you. I am still learning and practicing. If you have any awesome tutorials that you think may help me, please link them in the comments. Thank you!

As my Christmas break has been cut short this year (and all the following years as I catch up on courses), I may not post again for a few months. But I will dearly anticipate being here with you again. Thank you for all your support. If you like what I do, please share this blog with your friends, and don't forget to follow and +1 this blog. Again, thank you, and as my grandma would say, so long!

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